Cataract surgery relieves the eyes and the mind

June 8, 2022

This paid piece is sponsored by Vance Thompson Vision.

Jackie McNamara first noticed changes in her vision on a stretch of highway outside of Sioux Falls. On her way home from work, oncoming headlights looked blurred, and her inability to see clearly while driving at night disturbed her.

The challenge of night driving began to weigh especially heavy as she grew more and more dependent on her husband to take the wheel after dark.

“When I made plans for the evenings, the drive home became more and more of a factor,” she said.

During the day, McNamara also began to notice floaters in her vision. Her trifocal glasses had helped her see clearly at any distance, but after 10 hours at work visiting with patients and team members, reading paperwork and using her computer, her eyes were extremely tired.

She knew that eye fatigue, halos and floaters were all signs of cataracts. She knew her symptoms would worsen over time, but she also knew she could do something about it.

“As you age, you have to put up with some aches and pains. But you don’t have to put up with cataracts,” McNamara said.

She scheduled a consultation at Vance Thompson Vision and, following her exam, was scheduled for surgery. With the help of her doctor, she chose the PanOptix lens, which was equivalent to the trifocal glasses she’d been wearing for years.

Today, several months post-surgery, she said she’s astounded by the difference cataract surgery has made.

“I can see everything. Cataract surgery has completely taken care of the night-driving issue, and my eyes aren’t tired after reading all day.”

For anyone discouraged by deteriorating vision, McNamara recommends calling Vance Thompson Vision for a consultation.

“If you’re on the fence, just call and start learning about your options and the benefits,” she said, “because the gift of vision is the greatest gift.”

If you’re ready to resolve your cataracts, call Vance Thompson Vision at 605-361-EYES (3937) to schedule your consultation. Vance Thompson Vision has performed more than 100,000 eye procedures at its locations throughout the Midwest and Mountain West.

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Cataract surgery relieves the eyes and the mind

“I can see everything. Cataract surgery has completely taken care of the night-driving issue, and my eyes aren’t tired after reading all day.”

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